Moshi Co-operative University (MOCU): Joining Instructions Form and Lists of Selected Students 2019/20 Academic Year | CERTIFICATE and DIPLOMA
Transformation of the Moshi Co-operative University
The history of this University dates way back to 5th January, 1963 when the then Co-operative College Moshi was established. The College's primary responsibility was training of human resources in the co-operative sector under the then Ministry of Co-operatives and Community Development. The College was subsequently established through the Co-operative College Act No. 32 (Repealed) of 1964 as an autonomous institution with its own Governing Board.
The history of this University dates way back to 5th January, 1963 when the then Co-operative College Moshi was established. The College's primary responsibility was training of human resources in the co-operative sector under the then Ministry of Co-operatives and Community Development. The College was subsequently established through the Co-operative College Act No. 32 (Repealed) of 1964 as an autonomous institution with its own Governing Board.
In 2004, the Co-operative College Moshi was transformed into Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS) as the Constituent University College of Sokoine University of Agriculture through the Government Declaration Order No. 22 of 2004. In 2014, MUCCoBS was upgraded into full-fledged University.
Moshi Co-operative University MOCU joining instructions form and names of selected students for 2019/2020 academic session are out and now available online.
BOFYA LINK HAPA CHINI To download PDF files of Joining form and names for Moshi Co-operative University MOCU for 2019/2020 Academic Session follow the links below: