TCU | Date To Release Round Two University Selections 2019/2020| Majina ya waliochaguliwa vyuo vikuu awamu ya Pili

TCU | Date To Release Round Two University Selections 2019/2020| Majina ya waliochaguliwa vyuo vikuu awamu ya Pili 

The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) is a body corporate established on the 1st July 2005, under the Universities Act 2005 (Chapter 346 of the Laws of Tanzania) with mandate to recognise, approve, register and accredit Universities operating in Tanzania, and local or foreign University level programmes being offered by registered higher education institutions. It also coordinates the proper functioning of all university institutions in Tanzania so as to foster a harmonised higher education system in the country.

Majina Waliochaguliwa Vyuo, Selections Za Vuuo, TCU Admission, TCU Selections, TCU Guidelines Criteria, TCU Tanzania, TCU Universities, TCU News, TCU Login, TCU Application, TCU Selection Names, TCU Date To Release University Selections 2019/2020 Round  Two | Majina Waliochaguliwa Vyuo 2019/20

The Tanzania Commission for Universities succeeded the former Higher Education Accreditation Council (HEAC) which was established in 1995 under the Education Act 1995 with a legal mandate to regulate the establishment and subsequent accreditation of private university institutions in the country. Being limited only to private universities, such mandate was considered unfavourable for the promotion of a viable public-private partnership in higher education as stipulated in the National Higher Education Policy of 1999.

Kwa Mujibu wa kalenda ya TCU majina ya waliochaguliwa vyuo vikuu awamu ya kwanza yatatoka Tarehe 07/09/2019 | According To The TCU Revised ALMANAC of 2019/2020 university Selections Will Be Released On 07 SEPTEMBER 2019

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